The UKOA programme was active between 2010-2016, with supported research completed in mid-2015 and knowledge exchange work in early 2016.
This website now has archive status.
Observing a global challenge
19 December 2013
The Global Ocean Acidification-Observing Network (GOA-ON) is hosting a side event entitled "GOA-ON: How it will work and why is it important", as part of the Tenth Plenary Session of the Group on Earth Observations (GEO-X) & Geneva Ministerial Summit, on 16th January 2014.
The event will be moderated by Wendy Watson-Wright (IOC-UNESCO) and speakers include:
Richard Bellerby (NIVA)
Albert Fischer (GOOS, IOC-UNESCO)
Libby Jewett (NOAA, US IWG)
Jan Newton (US IOOS)
David Osborn (IAEA/OA-ICC)
Carol Turley (UKOA)
For further information on the GEO-X event please visit