The UKOA programme was active between 2010-2016, with supported research completed in mid-2015 and knowledge exchange work in early 2016.
This website now has archive status.

The IPCC Ocean Acidification Workshop Report

18 October 2011

IPCC Ocean Acidification Workshop reportTo support ongoing AR5 assessment efforts, Working Group II and Working Group I (WGII and WGI) of the IPCC held a joint Workshop on Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Marine Biology and Ecosystems in Okinawa, Japan, from 17 to 19 January 2011. The workshop convened experts from the scientific community, including WGII and WGI AR5 authors and review editors, to synthesise scientific understanding of changes in ocean chemistry due to increased CO2 and of impacts of this changing chemistry on marine organisms, ecosystems, and ecosystem services.

Note this is the report from the workshop of experts and has not been subject to the formal IPCC review process.

The workshop information and report can be accessed online at